The goal of any referral program is to gain more customers. That’s exactly what the Hello Health Referral Program is all about. However, as we kindly ask our current users to either send us referrals or speak to their colleagues directly about Hello Health, we obviously give our valued customers something in return. It’s a win-win!
The Hello Health Referral Program is a win-win for both you and the colleagues you refer to the Hello Health solutions. When a doctor or practice integrates the Hello Health EHR, Practice Management and Patient Portal within their clinic, you will get a cash incentive. The doctor or practice you refer, on their end, will receive a $500 credit for the implementation and training fee.
The possibilities are endless. The Hello Health Referral Program does not have a maximum amount it can pay to a single person. For every medical professional or clinic that starts with Hello Health, you get money in return. Let’s get to spreading the news about Hello Health!