Customer Testimonials

Dr. Peter Weigel: Flexibility of the Hello Health Platform

Hello Health's US testimonial: Dr. Peter Weigel: Flexibility of the Hello Health Platform

Clients like Hello Health for its:

  • One-of-a-kind business model that enables practices to earn a new revenue stream from patient subscriptions
  • Robust telemedicine functionality, including video conferencing
  • User-friendly, flexible coding, documentation and appointment features
  • Built in point-of-service collections
  • Accessibility from anywhere, at any time with an Internet connection

This was my third EMR to implement and by far the most intuitive. From day 1 it has been a easy to use tool that gets my job done quickly and accurately. The cost to get started was fractions of other companies and I could use any hardware. The cloud base product is accessible from anywhere and that makes working from home a breeze.

The patient portal is user friendly to the patient and keeps us in contact with one another and able to share test results with patients, truly making the health information portable, yet secure.

- Dr. Michael MacQuarrie, Murfreesboro, TN

Dr. Elizabeth Beautyman: Why she selected Hello Health for her practice

Internal Medicine and Hematology, New York, NY

Dr. Elizabeth Beautyman: An Internal Medicine Specialist’s Point of View

See how Dr. Elizabeth Beautyman uses Hello Health. It’s a solution that can provide a new business model to help practices stay profitable. Patients are given new ways to stay connected with the practice and engage in their personal health.

Hello Health's US testimonial: Dr. Elizabeth Beautyman: An Internal Medicine Specialist’s Point of View

It’s been over 10 years on this platform. From ease of use, updates that streamline my patient care abilities and customer service that I use very infrequently but are always super responsive, I plan to retire while still using Hello Health! I love the user-friendly platform for both myself, my staff and my patients. I have onboarded several staff members over the years and it takes a day or two to be up and running productively. I have seen very few technology platforms in the industry be so intuitive to practicing docs.

As an integrative provider, I hope to see an integration soon with my virtual supplement dispensary. I know that it’s being considered for the roadmap though, highlighting Hello Health’s commitment to continue to enhance the platform.

- Dr. Jeffrey Gladd, Fort Wayne, Indiana

Dr. Jeff Gladd: Hello Health Cash-Pay Model

Dr. Jeff Gladd from Fort Wayne, IN talks about his transition to a cash-pay business model. Learn about how he uses Hello Health to communicate securely with patients, document visits and generate revenue.

Hello Health's US testimonial: Dr. Jeff Gladd: Hello Health Cash-Pay Model

Dr. Colleen Edwards: Why she selected Hello Health for her practice

Internal Medicine and Hematology, New York, NY.

Hello Health's US testimonial: Dr. Colleen Edwards: Why she selected Hello Health for her practice

Hello Health for Office Managers

Hello Health's US testimonial: Hello Health for Office Managers

Talking about the efficiency of the Hello Health Platform:

  • How the implementation process was easy
  • How everything is very easily accessible for the staff and physicians
  • Patients communicate electronically and securely
  • The flow is easier for new patients